Chez Mademoiselle Mia that is...
Mia has swap room with her big sister recently, so it was a good excuse for me to spend some time in my garage and whip up something fun, colourful, sweet and a bit quirky...
A fun bedspread made with all my bits of fabrics and an old embroidered tablecloth. As usual, I only measure as I go, which makes the patchwork process a lot more enjoyable. I hate measuring every block in advance! I start with the centre and build around, cutting as I need, et voilà!
Whenever I step in her room now, it kind of lifts my mood. It's not just the bedspread of course. I love all of her little 8 years old knick-knacks.
(Yes, like all newborn babies, Mia was soooo beautiful!)
and her little-and big-friends.
A big deer,
and a little mouse. This one collects teeth. Because in France, it is not a fairy, but a mouse that is in charge. Put your little tooth in her pocket, and the next morning, find a coin instead. Too cute!
(La Petite Souris a dent de lait. Moulin Roty)
On the wall, big Maman mouse is watching over everyone... I painted this while I was pregnant with Mia. I knew nothing would be black and white for this little girl.
Up in the air, Azul the Chinese dragon is warding off any bad dreams, while back on the bed, Mr Rabbit-snugly snuggle- is always happy to share cuddles.
Thank you Mia for letting us have a little peek in your world.